Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Snake Plant Watering Schedule: Tips, Tricks, And Personal Experience


Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue, are popular indoor plants that are easy to care for. They are known for their resilience and ability to survive in low light and drought conditions.

However, like all plants, they still require proper watering to thrive. In this article, we’ll discuss the best watering schedule for snake plants and share some personal experience and tips to help you keep your snake plant healthy and happy.

Personal Experience

As someone who has owned a snake plant for several years, I can attest to their ability to survive neglect. However, I’ve also learned that proper watering is important for their growth and appearance.

When I first got my snake plant, I was told to water it once a month. I followed this advice for a while, but noticed that the leaves were starting to droop and turn yellow. After doing some research, I realized that I was underwatering my plant.

I adjusted my watering schedule and started watering my snake plant every two weeks. This made a huge difference in the plant’s appearance and growth. The leaves were more upright, and the plant looked healthier overall.

Snake Plant Watering Schedule

So, what is the best watering schedule for snake plants? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the plant, the climate, and the type of potting soil used. In general, it’s best to let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings.

For most snake plants, this means watering them every two to three weeks. However, if your plant is in a smaller pot or in a warmer or drier environment, you may need to water it more frequently.

Signs of Overwatering

It’s important not to overwater your snake plant, as this can lead to root rot and other issues. Signs of overwatering include yellow leaves, mushy stems, and a foul odor coming from the soil.

If you notice these signs, it’s best to let the soil dry out completely before watering again. You may also need to repot your plant in fresh soil to prevent further damage.

Signs of Underwatering

On the other hand, if your snake plant is underwatered, the leaves may become droopy, dry, or brown at the tips. In this case, it’s important to water the plant thoroughly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Snake Plant Watering Schedule Guide

Here’s a guide to help you determine the best watering schedule for your snake plant:

  • Check the soil moisture by sticking your finger into the soil. If the top inch is dry, it’s time to water.
  • Water the plant thoroughly, making sure the water drains out of the bottom of the pot.
  • Wait until the soil has dried out before watering again. This usually takes about two to three weeks, but may vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

Snake Plant Watering Schedule Table

Plant Size Climate Potting Soil Watering Frequency
Small Cool/Dry Succulent Mix Every 2-3 weeks
Medium Mild/Moderate Peat Moss Mix Every 3-4 weeks
Large Warm/Humid Loamy Soil Mix Every 4-6 weeks

Question and Answer

Q: How often should I water my snake plant?

A: For most snake plants, it’s best to water them every two to three weeks. However, this may vary depending on the size of the plant, the climate, and the type of potting soil used.

Q: Can I water my snake plant from the bottom?

A: Yes, you can water your snake plant from the bottom by placing the pot in a tray of water and letting it soak up the water through the drainage hole. However, be sure to remove the pot from the water after about an hour to prevent overwatering.


Q: What is the best type of potting soil for snake plants?

A: Snake plants prefer well-draining soil, such as a succulent or cactus mix. Avoid using heavy or water-retaining soil, as this can lead to overwatering and root rot.

Q: Can I use tap water to water my snake plant?

A: Yes, you can use tap water to water your snake plant. However, if your tap water is high in fluoride or other chemicals, it may be best to use filtered or distilled water instead.

Q: Do snake plants need fertilizer?

A: Snake plants don’t require a lot of fertilizer, but you can give them a small amount of balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer).


By following the tips and schedule outlined in this article, you can keep your snake plant healthy and thriving. Remember to let the soil dry out between waterings, and adjust your schedule as needed based on the size of the plant, the climate, and the type of potting soil used.

Snake Plant Infographic via plantophiles Sansevieria plant, House
Snake Plant Infographic via plantophiles Sansevieria plant, House from

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