Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule: A Guide To Feeding Communities In Need


As we enter the year 2023, the Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule continues to be a vital resource for those in need of food assistance. With the ongoing pandemic and economic challenges, food insecurity remains a pressing issue. The Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is committed to addressing this problem by providing food to those in need through their mobile food truck program. In this article, we will dive deeper into the details of this program, including personal experiences, event schedules, and FAQs.

Personal Experience

I had the opportunity to volunteer at one of the Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck events last year, and it was a humbling experience. I witnessed firsthand the impact this program has on the community. Families and individuals lined up for hours to receive much-needed food assistance. The Second Harvest team was efficient and organized, providing a variety of fresh produce, canned goods, and other essential items. It was heartwarming to see the gratitude and relief on the faces of those receiving the assistance.

List of Events

The Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule includes various events throughout Middle Tennessee. These events are open to the public and provide free food assistance to those in need. Some of the events scheduled for this year include:

  • February 15: St. John’s United Methodist Church, Nashville
  • March 10: Community Care Fellowship, Nashville
  • April 5: The Fairgrounds Nashville
  • May 20: First Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet

Schedule Guide

The Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule events typically run from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, or until all food has been distributed. It is recommended to arrive early to ensure you are able to receive assistance. The events are open to all, and there are no eligibility requirements. However, it is important to bring your own bags or boxes to carry the food.

Schedule Table

Here is a table of the upcoming Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule events:

Date Location Time
February 15 St. John’s United Methodist Church, Nashville 9:00 am – 11:00 am
March 10 Community Care Fellowship, Nashville 9:00 am – 11:00 am
April 5 The Fairgrounds Nashville 9:00 am – 11:00 am
May 20 First Baptist Church, Mt. Juliet 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Question and Answer

Q: Is there a limit to how much food I can receive at the Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck events?
A: No, there is no limit to how much food you can receive. However, it is important to keep in mind that the events are designed to provide assistance to as many people as possible, so please only take what you need. Q: Do I need to provide any identification or proof of income to receive assistance?
A: No, there are no eligibility requirements for the Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck events. All are welcome to receive assistance.


Q: Can I volunteer at the Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck events?
A: Yes, Second Harvest welcomes volunteers to assist with the events. You can sign up to volunteer on their website. Q: What types of food are typically provided at the events?
A: The Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck program provides a variety of fresh produce, canned goods, and other essential items.


The Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck Schedule is an essential resource for those in need of food assistance. With events scheduled throughout Middle Tennessee, the program provides much-needed relief to individuals and families struggling with food insecurity. We encourage all who are able to attend the events to do so, and to consider volunteering to support this important program.

Second Harvest Food Bank MAY 2021 SCHEDULE_MOBILE MARKET Second
Second Harvest Food Bank MAY 2021 SCHEDULE_MOBILE MARKET Second from

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