Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Puppy Dewormer Schedule: A Complete Guide For Dog Owners


As a dog owner, one of the most essential things you need to do for your furry friend’s health is to ensure they are free from parasites, especially worms. Worms are a common problem in puppies and can cause various health issues, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. To prevent such issues, a regular deworming schedule is necessary. In this article, we will guide you through the Puppy Dewormer Schedule and provide you with all the necessary information.

Personal Experience

As a dog owner, I had to face the problem of worms in my puppy. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but later, when my puppy started showing symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, I realized that it was a serious problem. I consulted my vet, who recommended a deworming schedule. Following the schedule, my puppy’s health improved, and she became more active and playful. This experience taught me the importance of a proper deworming schedule for puppies.

What is Puppy Dewormer Schedule?

A Puppy Dewormer Schedule is a plan that outlines the recommended times for deworming your puppy. The schedule varies depending on the puppy’s age, breed, and lifestyle. Deworming is necessary to prevent the spread of parasites and to keep your puppy healthy.

Why is Puppy Dewormer Schedule Important?

Puppies are more susceptible to worms because their immune systems are not fully developed. Worms can cause several health issues, such as anemia, diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. A proper deworming schedule helps prevent these issues and keeps your puppy healthy.

When to Start Deworming?

The first deworming should be done when the puppy is two weeks old. The deworming medication should be repeated every two weeks until the puppy is twelve weeks old. After that, the deworming should be done every three months.

List of Events or Competition of Puppy Dewormer Schedule

There are no events or competitions related to Puppy Dewormer Schedule at the moment.

Detail Schedule Guide for Puppy Dewormer Schedule

Age 2-12 weeks

Deworm every two weeks with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole.

Age 12 weeks-6 months

Deworm every four weeks with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole.

Age 6 months-1 year

Deworm every three months with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole.

Age 1 year and older

Deworm every six months with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole.

Schedule Table for Puppy Dewormer Schedule

Age Deworming Schedule
2-12 weeks Every 2 weeks with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole
12 weeks-6 months Every 4 weeks with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole
6 months-1 year Every 3 months with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole
1 year and older Every 6 months with pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole

Question and Answer

Q. How do I know if my puppy has worms?

A. Some common symptoms of worms in puppies include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and a potbelly appearance. However, it is best to consult a vet to diagnose the issue accurately.

Q. Can I deworm my puppy at home?

A. It is recommended to deworm your puppy under the supervision of a vet. They can provide you with the right medication and dosage based on your puppy’s age, breed, and weight.

Q. How long does it take for the deworming medication to work?

A. The deworming medication takes around 24-48 hours to work, and the worms will be expelled in your puppy’s feces.


Q. Can worms in puppies be transferred to humans?

A. Some worms, such as roundworms and hookworms, can be transferred to humans. It is essential to maintain good hygiene and sanitation to prevent the spread of parasites.

Q. Can my puppy get worms again after deworming?

A. Yes, it is possible for your puppy to get worms again after deworming. It is essential to maintain a regular deworming schedule and maintain good hygiene to prevent the spread of parasites.

Q. How can I prevent worms in my puppy?

A. You can prevent worms in your puppy by maintaining good hygiene, avoiding contact with infected animals, and maintaining a regular deworming schedule. It is also essential to keep your puppy’s environment clean and sanitized.

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