Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Lean P90X3 Schedule – A Comprehensive Guide


Have you been searching for an effective workout plan to achieve your fitness goals? Look no further than the Lean P90x3 Schedule. This program is designed to help you lose weight, build muscle, and improve your overall health in just 90 days. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this schedule, including its benefits, events, and detailed guide.

My Personal Experience

Before we dive into the specifics of the Lean P90x3 Schedule, I want to share my personal experience with this program. I had struggled with weight gain for years and had tried numerous diets and exercise plans without any significant results. However, when I started the Lean P90x3 Schedule, I immediately noticed a difference in my energy levels and overall fitness. This program is designed with a variety of workouts that target different muscle groups, keeping your body guessing and preventing plateauing. The schedule is structured with three phases: Foundation, Strength, and Performance. Each phase is designed to build upon the previous one, maximizing your results and ensuring that you stay motivated throughout the 90-day program.

Benefits of the Lean P90x3 Schedule

The benefits of the Lean P90x3 Schedule are numerous. Firstly, this program is designed to help you lose weight and build muscle, leading to a more toned and sculpted physique. Secondly, the workouts are designed to improve your cardiovascular health, leading to increased stamina and endurance. Finally, this program is designed to help you establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime, including healthy eating and consistent exercise.

Events and Competitions

If you’re looking for some additional motivation to stay committed to your Lean P90x3 Schedule, consider participating in one of the program’s events or competitions. These events are designed to bring together individuals who are working towards their fitness goals and provide an opportunity to share tips, advice, and support. Some popular events include the Lean P90x3 Challenge, which encourages participants to complete the program and submit their results for the chance to win prizes. There are also online communities and social media groups where you can connect with other individuals participating in the program.

Detailed Schedule Guide

To get the most out of your Lean P90x3 Schedule, it’s important to follow the program’s detailed schedule guide. This guide outlines the specific workouts you should complete each day, as well as the recommended rest days and recovery periods. The Foundation phase lasts for four weeks and is designed to establish a strong fitness foundation. The Strength phase lasts for five weeks and is designed to build muscle and strength. Finally, the Performance phase lasts for four weeks and is designed to maximize your results and push your body to the next level.

Schedule Table

Week 1-3: Foundation Phase Monday: Total Synergistics
Tuesday: Agility X
Wednesday: X3 Yoga
Thursday: The Challenge
Friday: CVX
Saturday: The Warrior
Sunday: Rest or Dynamix Week 4-8: Strength Phase Monday: Eccentric Upper
Tuesday: Triometrics
Wednesday: Eccentric Lower
Thursday: Incinerator
Friday: MMX
Saturday: The Challenge
Sunday: Rest or Dynamix Week 9-12: Performance Phase Monday: Accelerator
Tuesday: Pilates X
Wednesday: X3 Yoga
Thursday: Isometrix
Friday: Dynamix
Saturday: Agility X
Sunday: Rest or Dynamix

Question and Answer

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Lean P90x3 Schedule:

Q: Can beginners follow the Lean P90x3 Schedule?

A: Yes, beginners can follow the Lean P90x3 Schedule. However, it’s important to start with the Foundation phase and gradually work your way up to the Performance phase.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to follow the Lean P90x3 Schedule?

A: Yes, you will need some basic equipment, including weights, resistance bands, and a pull-up bar. However, modifications can be made for those without access to equipment.

Q: How long does each workout last?

A: Each workout in the Lean P90x3 Schedule lasts for approximately 30 minutes, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule.

Q: Can I follow the Lean P90x3 Schedule if I have an injury?

A: It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have an injury. Modifications can be made to the workouts to accommodate injuries.


The Lean P90x3 Schedule is an effective and comprehensive workout program that can help you achieve your fitness goals in just 90 days. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, this program can help you build strength, lose weight, and improve your overall health. By following the detailed schedule guide and participating in events and competitions, you can stay motivated and achieve your best results.

P90x3 Workout Schedule For Lean,Classic and Mass Fitness Rocks
P90x3 Workout Schedule For Lean,Classic and Mass Fitness Rocks from

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