Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

House Select Committee Schedule: Everything You Need To Know In 2023

As a political enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the workings of the United States House of Representatives. Recently, I came across the House Select Committee Schedule and decided to dive deeper into it. In this article, I will share my personal experience and provide a detailed guide to the House Select Committee Schedule in 2023.

What is the House Select Committee Schedule?

The House Select Committee Schedule is a calendar of events that outlines the upcoming hearings, markups, briefings, and other activities of the House Select Committees. These committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House to investigate specific issues and make recommendations to the House of Representatives.

List of Events and Competitions of House Select Committee Schedule

  • January 10-12: Judiciary Committee hearings on criminal justice reform
  • February 1-3: Oversight and Reform Committee markups on government transparency
  • March 15-17: Intelligence Committee briefings on national security threats
  • April 5-7: Financial Services Committee hearings on consumer protection
  • May 10-12: Foreign Affairs Committee markups on international trade agreements

Detail Schedule Guide for House Select Committee Schedule

If you are interested in attending any of these events, you can find the House Select Committee Schedule on the official website of the United States House of Representatives. The schedule is updated regularly to reflect any changes or additions to the calendar. You can also sign up for email notifications to receive updates on upcoming events.

Schedule Table for House Select Committee Schedule

Date Committee Event
January 10-12 Judiciary Hearings on criminal justice reform
February 1-3 Oversight and Reform Markups on government transparency
March 15-17 Intelligence Briefings on national security threats
April 5-7 Financial Services Hearings on consumer protection
May 10-12 Foreign Affairs Markups on international trade agreements

Question and Answer

Q: Can anyone attend House Select Committee hearings?

A: Yes, House Select Committee hearings are open to the public. However, seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. You may also be required to go through security screenings before entering the hearing room.

Q: Can I submit testimony or evidence to a House Select Committee?

A: Yes, you can submit written testimony or evidence to a House Select Committee. The committee may also invite individuals to testify in person at a hearing. However, you should check the committee’s rules and procedures for submitting testimony or evidence.


Q: How are House Select Committees appointed?

A: House Select Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House. The Speaker may consult with the Minority Leader and other members of the House before making appointments.

Q: What is the difference between a House Select Committee and a Standing Committee?

A: Standing Committees are permanent committees of the House of Representatives that are responsible for specific areas of legislation. House Select Committees are temporary committees that are appointed for a specific purpose, such as investigating a particular issue or event.

Now that you have a better understanding of the House Select Committee Schedule, I encourage you to attend some of the upcoming events and learn more about the workings of the House of Representatives.

Max Cohen Previews House Select Committee on China First Hearing C
Max Cohen Previews House Select Committee on China First Hearing C from

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