Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Feeding Schedule For 8 Month Old: Tips And Tricks


As a parent, it can be overwhelming to decide what and how much to feed your 8-month-old baby. With so many opinions out there, it can be hard to know what is best for your little one. In this article, we will share our personal experience and provide you with a detailed guide on feeding your 8-month-old baby.

List of Events or Competitions

Before we dive into the feeding schedule, let’s take a look at some events or competitions related to feeding your 8-month-old baby. – Baby Food Cooking Contest: This is a fun competition where parents can showcase their cooking skills and create unique and healthy baby food recipes. – Baby Feeding Olympics: This is a competition where babies compete in different feeding challenges such as eating different types of food or finishing their meals in the shortest time possible.

Feeding Schedule Guide

At 8 months old, your baby is likely eating solids and drinking breast milk or formula. Here is a detailed guide on what and how much to feed your little one. – Breast milk or formula: Continue to offer breast milk or formula on demand. Aim for 24-32 ounces of breast milk or formula per day. – Solids: Offer 2-3 meals per day, with a variety of foods such as pureed fruits, vegetables, and protein. Aim for 1-2 tablespoons of each food per meal. – Snacks: You can offer healthy snacks such as soft fruits, crackers, or yogurt in between meals.

Schedule Table

Here is an example of a feeding schedule for your 8-month-old baby.

Time Meal
6:00 am Breast milk or formula
8:00 am Breakfast – Pureed fruit or oatmeal
10:00 am Snack – Soft fruit or crackers
12:00 pm Lunch – Pureed vegetables or protein
2:00 pm Snack – Yogurt or rice cakes
4:00 pm Dinner – Pureed vegetables or protein
6:00 pm Breast milk or formula

Question and Answer (Q&A)

Q: How do I know when my baby is ready for solids? A: Look for signs such as sitting up with support, showing interest in your food, and being able to hold their head up. Q: Can I give my baby water? A: Yes, you can offer sips of water in a sippy cup during meals. Q: Should I puree my own baby food or buy it from the store? A: It’s up to you! Both options are great, but making your own baby food can be more cost-effective and you have more control over the ingredients.


Q: How much breast milk or formula should my baby be drinking at 8 months? A: Aim for 24-32 ounces per day. Q: What are some good protein sources for my baby? A: Pureed lentils, chicken, tofu, and beans are good protein sources for your baby. Q: Is it normal for my baby to spit out food? A: Yes, it’s normal for babies to spit out food as they are still learning how to eat. Keep offering a variety of foods and they will eventually learn to like them.


Feeding your 8-month-old baby can be a fun and exciting experience. By following a consistent feeding schedule and offering a variety of healthy foods, your baby will be on their way to a lifetime of good eating habits. Remember to always consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby’s nutrition.

Sample Daily feeding schedule for 68 months old baby Baby feeding
Sample Daily feeding schedule for 68 months old baby Baby feeding from

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