Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Cdc To Add Covid Vaccine To Childhood Schedule


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that they will be adding the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule. This decision was made in response to the ongoing pandemic and the need to protect children from the virus.

Personal Experience

As a parent, I was initially hesitant about getting my child vaccinated against Covid. However, after doing some research and speaking with our pediatrician, my husband and I decided that it was in our child’s best interest to get vaccinated. We are relieved that the vaccine will now be a part of the childhood schedule, making it more accessible to other families who may be facing the same concerns.

List of Events or Competitions

The CDC has not yet released a specific timeline for when the Covid vaccine will be added to the childhood immunization schedule. However, they have stated that they will be working closely with pediatricians and healthcare providers to ensure that the vaccine is available to all children who need it.

Detail Schedule Guide

The CDC recommends that children receive a series of vaccines throughout their childhood to protect against a variety of diseases. These vaccines are typically administered during well-child visits with a pediatrician or healthcare provider. Once the Covid vaccine is added to the childhood immunization schedule, it will likely be included as part of these routine visits. Parents can expect their child’s healthcare provider to discuss the vaccine with them and provide information on when and where to get it.

Schedule Table

| Age | Vaccine | | — | — | | Birth | Hepatitis B | | 1-2 months | DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV13, Rotavirus | | 4 months | DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV13, Rotavirus | | 6 months | DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV13, Rotavirus | | 12-15 months | MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A | | 15-18 months | DTaP, Hib | | 4-6 years | DTaP, IPV, MMR, Varicella | *Note: This schedule is subject to change once the Covid vaccine is added to the childhood immunization schedule.

Question and Answer

Q: Is the Covid vaccine safe for children?

A: Yes, the Covid vaccine has been extensively tested and is considered safe for children. The CDC recommends that children ages 12 and older receive the vaccine, and it will likely be added to the childhood immunization schedule in the near future.

Q: Will the Covid vaccine be required for school attendance?

A: It is too early to say whether the Covid vaccine will be required for school attendance, as this decision will be made at the state and local levels. However, it is possible that some schools may require the vaccine in the future.


Q: What are the side effects of the Covid vaccine for children?

A: The most common side effects of the Covid vaccine for children are similar to those for adults and include soreness at the injection site, fatigue, headache, and fever. These side effects are typically mild and go away on their own within a few days.

Q: Can children who have already had Covid still get vaccinated?

A: Yes, children who have already had Covid can still get vaccinated. In fact, the CDC recommends that people who have had Covid still get vaccinated to ensure maximum protection against the virus.

Covid19 Vaccine
Covid19 Vaccine from

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