Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Castle Rock Watering Schedule: Tips And Tricks For 2023


As a resident of Castle Rock, Colorado, I know firsthand how crucial it is to follow the town’s watering schedule. The schedule is designed to help conserve water while still ensuring that our lawns and gardens stay healthy and green. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the Castle Rock watering schedule, and provide tips and tricks to help you maintain a beautiful yard without wasting water.

The Importance of Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource, and it’s essential that we use it wisely. The town of Castle Rock has implemented a watering schedule to help conserve water during the summer months when demand is highest. By following the schedule, you can help ensure that there is enough water for everyone in the community.

List of Events and Competitions

Every year, Castle Rock hosts a variety of events and competitions related to water conservation. These events are a great way to learn more about the importance of water conservation and to connect with other members of the community who are passionate about this issue. Some of the events and competitions you can look forward to in 2023 include:

  • Water Conservation Fair
  • Xeriscape Garden Competition
  • Kids’ Watering Contest

The Castle Rock Watering Schedule

The Castle Rock watering schedule is designed to help conserve water while still allowing residents to maintain healthy lawns and gardens. The schedule is based on your street address, and it determines when you can water your lawn and garden. The schedule is as follows:

  • Even numbered addresses: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Odd numbered addresses: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
  • No watering on Sundays

Schedule Guide

To ensure that you are following the Castle Rock watering schedule correctly, here is a guide to help you determine when you should water your lawn and garden:

  • If your street address ends in an even number, you should water on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • If your street address ends in an odd number, you should water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  • Watering should occur before 10am or after 6pm, and you should not water for more than 10 minutes per zone.

Schedule Table

Here is a schedule table to help you determine when you should water your lawn and garden based on your street address:

Street Address Watering Days
Even Numbered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Odd Numbered Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
All Addresses No watering on Sundays

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions and answers about the Castle Rock watering schedule:

Q: What if I have a new lawn or garden that needs extra watering?

A: You can apply for a temporary watering permit from the Castle Rock Water Department. This permit will allow you to water your new lawn or garden more frequently for a short period of time.

Q: What if I have a sprinkler system that waters automatically?

A: You can adjust your sprinkler system to follow the Castle Rock watering schedule. Most sprinkler systems have a setting that allows you to program the days and times that your lawn and garden are watered.

Q: What if I see my neighbors watering on the wrong day?

A: You can report water waste to the Castle Rock Water Department. They will investigate the issue and take appropriate action if necessary.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Castle Rock watering schedule:

Q: Can I water my lawn and garden outside of the designated watering days?

A: No, you must follow the Castle Rock watering schedule. Watering outside of the designated days can result in a fine.

Q: What if it rains on my designated watering day?

A: If it has rained on your designated watering day, you should skip that watering day. The town of Castle Rock encourages residents to only water when necessary.

Q: What if I have a water-efficient lawn or garden?

A: Even if you have a water-efficient lawn or garden, you must still follow the Castle Rock watering schedule. The schedule is designed to ensure that there is enough water for everyone in the community.


Following the Castle Rock watering schedule is essential for conserving water and maintaining a healthy lawn and garden. By adhering to the schedule, you can help ensure that there is enough water for everyone in the community. Remember to only water when necessary, and to report any water waste to the Castle Rock Water Department. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your yard looking beautiful while also protecting our precious water resources.

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