Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Understanding The 80/20 Custody Schedule


Going through a divorce can be tough, especially when children are involved. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child’s best interests are taken into account, and that means agreeing on a custody arrangement that works for everyone involved. One option that has gained popularity in recent years is the 80/20 custody schedule. In this article, we’ll explore what the 80/20 custody schedule is all about, and how it can work for you and your family.

What is the 80/20 Custody Schedule?

The 80/20 custody schedule is a type of joint custody arrangement where one parent has the child 80% of the time, and the other parent has the child 20% of the time. This type of custody arrangement is also known as “extended weekend” or “weekend plus” custody. The parent with the 80% custody is referred to as the “primary custodial parent” while the parent with 20% custody is the “non-primary custodial parent”.

Personal Experience

As a divorced parent, I found that the 80/20 custody schedule was the perfect solution for my family. My ex-husband and I agreed that it was important for our child to have a stable home base, so we decided that I would have the primary custody. However, we also wanted our child to have a good relationship with both parents, so we agreed that my ex-husband would have our child every other weekend, as well as some holidays and special occasions. This arrangement has worked well for us, and our child has thrived in this environment.

Advantages of 80/20 Custody Schedule

There are several advantages to the 80/20 custody schedule. One of the biggest advantages is that it provides a stable home base for the child. The child has a primary residence where they can keep most of their belongings, and where they feel most comfortable. This can help to reduce the stress and anxiety that children often experience during a divorce. Another advantage of the 80/20 custody schedule is that it allows both parents to have a meaningful relationship with the child. The non-primary custodial parent still has ample time to spend with the child, and can be involved in important events and milestones.

Events and Competitions

There are various events and competitions that take place for families following the 80/20 custody schedule. These include joint birthday parties, school events, and family vacations. The non-primary custodial parent can also plan special outings and activities with the child during their custodial time.

Schedule Guide

If you are considering the 80/20 custody schedule, it is important to have a clear schedule in place. This will help to ensure that both parents are aware of their custodial responsibilities, and that the child’s needs are met. Here is a sample schedule that you can use as a guide: – Primary custodial parent has the child Monday through Thursday – Non-primary custodial parent has the child every other weekend (Friday through Sunday), as well as one evening during the week – Holidays and special occasions are split between both parents

Schedule Table

Day Primary Custodial Parent Non-Primary Custodial Parent
Monday Primary Custodial Parent N/A
Tuesday Primary Custodial Parent N/A
Wednesday Primary Custodial Parent N/A
Thursday Primary Custodial Parent N/A
Friday N/A Non-Primary Custodial Parent
Saturday N/A Non-Primary Custodial Parent
Sunday N/A Non-Primary Custodial Parent

Question and Answer

Q: Can the 80/20 custody schedule be modified?

A: Yes, the custody schedule can be modified if both parents agree to the changes. However, any modifications must be approved by the court.

Q: What happens if the non-primary custodial parent wants more time with the child?

A: If the non-primary custodial parent wants more time with the child, they can request a modification of the custody arrangement. The court will consider the best interests of the child when making a decision.

Q: Can the non-primary custodial parent be involved in important decisions regarding the child?

A: Yes, both parents are typically involved in important decisions regarding the child, such as medical treatment and education.


Q: How is child support calculated in an 80/20 custody arrangement?

A: Child support is calculated based on a variety of factors, including the income of both parents, the needs of the child, and the custody arrangement. In an 80/20 custody arrangement, the non-primary custodial parent may be required to pay child support to the primary custodial parent.

Q: Can the 80/20 custody schedule work for families with multiple children?

A: Yes, the 80/20 custody schedule can work for families with multiple children. However, it may require some adjustments to ensure that each child’s needs are met.

Q: How can parents ensure that the 80/20 custody schedule is working for their child?

A: Communication is key. Parents should regularly check in with their child to ensure that they are happy and comfortable with the custody arrangement. If any issues arise, parents should work together to resolve them in the best interests of the child.

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