Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

Understanding 60 40 Custody Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide


When parents separate or divorce, one of the most challenging decisions they face is child custody. There are different types of custody arrangements, including physical and legal custody. One of the most common physical custody arrangements is the 60 40 custody schedule. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what a 60 40 custody schedule is, how it works, and what it means for parents and children.

Personal Experience

As a divorced parent, I understand firsthand the complexities of child custody arrangements. When my ex-partner and I decided to separate, we both agreed that our children’s well-being was our top priority. After discussing different options, we decided to go for the 60 40 custody schedule.

What is a 60 40 Custody Schedule?

A 60 40 custody schedule means that one parent has the children 60% of the time, and the other parent has them for the remaining 40%. This type of custody arrangement allows both parents to have significant time with their children while still maintaining stability and routine.

Advantages of a 60 40 Custody Schedule

  • Allows both parents to have quality time with their children
  • Provides stability and routine for the children
  • Reduces the stress and conflict that often come with a 50 50 custody schedule
  • Can be more feasible for parents who live far apart or have demanding work schedules

Disadvantages of a 60 40 Custody Schedule

  • One parent may feel like they are missing out on too much time with their children
  • It may be challenging to maintain consistency in discipline and rules between households
  • It may be difficult to coordinate schedules and activities between both parents

List of Events or Competition of 60 40 Custody Schedule

There are no specific events or competitions related to the 60 40 custody schedule. However, parents can use this arrangement to plan their children’s activities, such as school events, sports, and extracurricular activities.

Detail Schedule Guide for 60 40 Custody Schedule

The 60 40 custody schedule can be flexible, depending on the parents’ preferences and the children’s needs. Here’s a sample schedule:

Week Parent 1 Parent 2
Week 1 Monday to Wednesday morning Wednesday morning to Sunday evening
Week 2 Monday to Thursday morning Thursday morning to Sunday evening

It’s essential to communicate with your co-parent and agree on a schedule that works for everyone involved. You can also consider using a co-parenting app to help with scheduling and communication.

Question and Answer (Q&A) section about 60 40 Custody Schedule

Q1. Is a 60 40 custody schedule the same as joint custody?

A. No, a 60 40 custody schedule is a type of physical custody arrangement where one parent has the children 60% of the time, and the other parent has them for the remaining 40%. Joint custody refers to the legal custody of the children, where both parents have a say in important decisions about their children’s upbringing.

Q2. Can the 60 40 custody schedule change over time?

A. Yes, the 60 40 custody schedule can be modified if both parents agree or if there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a job relocation, a change in the children’s needs, or a change in either parent’s living situation.

Q3. How do you make the 60 40 custody schedule work?

A. Communication is key when it comes to co-parenting and making any custody arrangement work. It’s important to be flexible, respect each other’s time, and have a plan in place for emergencies or unexpected situations. Using a co-parenting app or software can also help streamline communication and scheduling.

FAQs about 60 40 Custody Schedule

Q1. Is a 60 40 custody schedule common?

A. Yes, the 60 40 custody schedule is a popular arrangement among divorced or separated parents.

Q2. Can the children have input on the custody schedule?

A. Depending on the children’s age and maturity level, they may have a say in the custody arrangement. However, the final decision lies with the parents and the court if necessary.

Q3. Can a 60 40 custody schedule work for infants and toddlers?

A. Yes, a 60 40 custody schedule can work for infants and toddlers. However, it’s crucial to consider the children’s age, developmental stage, and attachment to both parents when creating the schedule.


The 60 40 custody schedule is a custody arrangement that allows both parents to have significant time with their children while still maintaining stability and routine. It’s essential to communicate with your co-parent, be flexible, and have a plan in place for emergencies or unexpected situations. By doing so, you can make the 60 40 custody schedule work for everyone involved.

60/40 Custody Schedules with Alternating Weekends Timtab
60/40 Custody Schedules with Alternating Weekends Timtab from

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