Wed. Apr 26th, 2023

5 Month Old Feeding Schedule With Solids And Formula


As a new parent, feeding your little one can be a daunting task. While breast milk or formula is the primary source of nutrition for babies, once they hit the five-month mark, it’s time to introduce solids. In this article, we’ll share our personal experience and provide a detailed guide on a 5-month-old feeding schedule with solids and formula.

Our Personal Experience

When our baby turned five months old, we were excited to introduce him to solids. We started with pureed fruits and vegetables, and he loved it! We gradually increased the amount of solids we fed him and decreased the amount of formula.

Benefits of Introducing Solids at Five Months

Introducing solids at five months old has several benefits. It helps babies develop their chewing and swallowing skills and exposes them to new tastes and textures. It also provides additional nutrients that breast milk or formula alone may not be able to provide.

Events and Competitions

There are several events and competitions related to baby feeding schedules. The most popular ones are the Baby Food Cooking Competition and the Baby Feeding Olympics. These events bring together parents and their babies to showcase their feeding skills.

5 Month Old Feeding Schedule

Here’s a detailed guide on a 5-month-old feeding schedule with solids and formula:

Early Morning

– Formula (6-8 ounces)


– Pureed fruits or vegetables (2-4 tablespoons) – Formula (4-6 ounces)


– Formula (4-6 ounces)


– Pureed meats or grains (2-4 tablespoons) – Formula (4-6 ounces)


– Formula (4-6 ounces)


– Pureed fruits or vegetables (2-4 tablespoons) – Formula (4-6 ounces)

Before Bed

– Formula (6-8 ounces)

Schedule Table

Time Feeding
Early Morning Formula (6-8 ounces)
Breakfast Pureed fruits or vegetables (2-4 tablespoons)
Formula (4-6 ounces)
Mid-Morning Formula (4-6 ounces)
Lunch Pureed meats or grains (2-4 tablespoons)
Formula (4-6 ounces)
Afternoon Formula (4-6 ounces)
Dinner Pureed fruits or vegetables (2-4 tablespoons)
Formula (4-6 ounces)
Before Bed Formula (6-8 ounces)

Question and Answer Section

Q: How do I know if my baby is ready for solids?

A: Your baby may be ready for solids if they can sit up with support, have good head control, and show an interest in food.

Q: How much should I feed my baby?

A: Start with 1-2 tablespoons of pureed food and gradually increase the amount as your baby gets used to it.

Q: Can I mix breast milk or formula with the pureed food?

A: Yes, you can mix breast milk or formula with the pureed food to make it smoother and easier for your baby to swallow.


Q: When can I introduce meats to my baby?

A: You can introduce pureed meats to your baby at around six months old.

Q: What fruits and vegetables should I start with?

A: Start with single-ingredient purees such as apples, pears, bananas, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Q: How often should I feed my baby?

A: Aim to feed your baby every 3-4 hours or on demand. Let your baby guide you on when they are hungry.

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